Sunday, March 17, 2024

8 Mental Health Tips During COVID-19 (And Other Situations)

Mental Health Tips During COVID-19 (And Other Situations)

COVID-19 is by far the most unexpected thing that has happened in our lives this year. Not only is it a dangerous global pandemic, but it’s affecting various aspects of our lives, including our mental health. Many are searching through social media and the news for mental health tips during this trying time.

Lockdown is ensured so that we keep safe from the virus and avoid infecting others, however, staying at home constantly isn’t for everyone. There’s no denying the fact that mental health is one aspect mostly affected by COVID-19, asides from careers and sources of income. In the article, we’ll be discussing 8 mental health tips during COVID-19. These tips could also help you during other situations that could be detrimental to your mental health.

Here are 8 mental health tips during COVID-19:

mental health tips during covid-19

1. Do daily check-ins

One of the best mental health tips out there is to check in with your friends and family. Let them know how you’re doing during this COVID-19. When you constantly talk to friends and family during this virus season, it helps you maintain even just a sense of social life.

The hardest thing during this pandemic is having less of a social life and when your mental health is highly dependent on a socialization, being in lockdown is the most frustrating thing in the world. You’re constantly stuck with your thoughts, especially the unbearable ones. This is what makes daily check-ins a great idea. Expressing what you feel to your loved ones releases even just a burden of the struggle you feel with your mental health.

By having a support system during this frustrating season, you feel less alone than you are. In fact, they might even be the ones to remind you to go easy on yourself and to take necessary breaks when needed. Your loved ones are there to provide you positive and reassuring things to help counter whatever thoughts you may be dwelling on.

2. Let go of unrealistic expectations

Another mental health tip that can help you in many situations is to let go of unrealistic expectations. You can’t always put so much pressure on yourself, especially with this pandemic. It’s okay to be struggling and it’s okay if you don’t have things together. You need to let go of the unrealistic expectations that you need to be more productive and motivated, especially when you don’t have an excuse to refuse to get work done.

The fact of the matter is that COVID-19 is a difficult time for everyone, and you don’t always have to push yourself beyond your limit. Whether it’s your mental health, career, or personal growth, it’s okay if it’s really been hard on you. The more you push yourself to achieve certain unrealistic expectations, then you end up making things worst for your mental health. You don’t always have to be so hard on yourself all for the sake of your sanity and productivity.

It’s unrealistic to think that you need to come out of this COVID-19 stronger and more successful and when you put this kind of pressure on yourself, you might end up burned out or exhausted from all the energy you used to have.

3. Declutter your life

The third mental health tip is to declutter your life. There are two kinds of decluttering that you need:

  • physical
  • mental

For physical, sometimes organizing and cleaning your home helps you change perspectives and outlook on life and on yourself. Often, when our surroundings are full of mess and chaos, this can affect the way we think.

When you start to declutter even the physical things around you, you feel more relaxed and calm. This doesn’t just benefit your mental health, but it gives you get rid of the things that don’t matter anymore. There may be so much things that you don’t need around you, but you hoard it because you think it matters.

In decluttering your life, the most important kind of decluttering is regarding your mind. Physical and mental decluttering is related for the reason that physical clutter leads to a mental one. Decluttering your mind is significant, especially for your mental health.

We have so much thoughts in a daily basis, especially during lockdown and the best thing you can do is figure out which thoughts are worth keeping, and which ones aren’t. Thoughts like the past or negative beliefs are things you need to get rid of to maintain your mental health.

4. Set boundaries

The fourth mental health tip is to set boundaries. It’s crucial for your mental health to set necessary boundaries, whether it’s towards others or towards yourself. An example of a necessary boundary to set, especially during this lockdown, is your boundaries on social media usage. There’s no denying the fact that digital is the future, and everyone can’t stand a day without using social media.

However, it’s also the fastest way to ruin your mental health if you aren’t careful enough. Social media is where comparison is present and if you’re constantly seeing everyone else doing productive things with their time in this lockdown, this can make you feel anxious and end up badly for your mental health.

You have to remember that social media is a facade, and nobody ever posts their vulnerable and mundane moments. It’s where they post their accomplishments and successes, and not their failures and ordinary moments. This is just one of the boundaries you should set for yourself during this lockdown.

In setting boundaries, remember to always prioritize your mental health.

mental health tips during covid-19

5. Express your emotions in a healthy way

The fifth mental health tip is to express your emotions in a healthy way. No matter how difficult it gets, you need to find a way to release your emotions, one way or another. One of the best ways to do this is to talk to someone you trust. We make it easy with Q Link Wireless and Lifeline. Lifeline is a federally funded government program that provides millions of Americans with FREE wireless service every month. Through this program, Q Link Wireless provides FREE Talk & Text plus Data to eligible Americans – keeping them connected to the world – more importantly, the ones you love. You will receive UNLIMITED Data, Talk, Text & New Tablet is an offer, brought to you by the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

There are other ways to find an outlet for your emotions–whether it’s writing or maybe a form of art like music or painting. The aspect that makes lockdown extremely frustrating is not being able to express your emotions the way you normally do, and that’s why expressing your thoughts and emotions are so important.  By writing down what you feel, you’re releasing every burden and every darkness that you may be dwelling on. Writing is the best form of expression, asides from talking to a trusted person.

The way you express your emotions varies per person, and if you think talking to a friend is the most effective for you, then you should call up a friend and tell them what you’re dealing with.

6. Do something every day that brings joy

The sixth mental health tip is to do something every day that brings joy. It’s all about appreciating the little things, and this is how you take care of yourself. When you do things that you’re passionate about and things you enjoy doing, this makes you feel good about yourself and it brings back your energy.

During lockdown, spending your time with your hobbies and interests is the best idea. Even if the global pandemic has been specifically tough on your mental health, the little joys of life are how you regain hope and strength in all of this. For instance, if you specifically enjoy working out on mornings, then that’s exactly what you should do when you wake up. If talking to a close friend or family member brings you joy, make sure to connect with them daily. During these times, financial hardships have become an unfortunate norm. Therefore, you may be eligible for free government cell phone service through Q Link Wireless if you receive government benefit programs like Food Stamps (SNAP), Federal Housing/Section 8 Assistance, if your total household income meets Federal Poverty Guidelines, and other requirements found on the Lifeline Program page. When you sign up, you will receive:

  • FREE UNLIMITED talk & text
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Finding something you look forward to doing is the best way to increase your mood for the day.

7. Start a new hobby or project

The seventh mental health tip is to start a new hobby or project. Since you’re in lockdown, you can make use of your time by learning something new. They say that knowledge is power, and this is all the more evident during lockdown season. If you have something you’ve always wanted to try such as learning graphic design, then you can use this time to learn about that skill.

Or, you can also use your time to start a project, maybe you can try writing a book, if it’s something you’ve always wanted to try for yourself. Not only does this give you something to keep yourself busy with, but you might genuinely love your new hobby.

8. Take care of your body

Lastly, if you want to take care of your mental health, you first need to take care of your physical health. You can’t expect to have a good mental health if always deprive yourself of sleep or you’re not eating the right food. You deserve to use this time to spoil yourself with proper love and care, whether that’s in the form of wearing comfortable clothes or getting a complete 8 hours of sleep.

You should do the necessary things to take proper care of your health- both mentally and physically- and this is how you maintain your mental health during lockdown. After all, certain studies have shown that a lack of sleep and proper diet can ruin your mental health, so you shouldn’t take advantage of your body, despite being at home all the time.

mental health tips during covid-19

Last thoughts…

In conclusion, these are 8 mental health tips during COVID-19. With the tips mentioned above, hopefully this helps you take better care of your mental health during this frustrating pandemic season.

Your mental health is just as significant as your physical health, so you should go easy on yourself, if you think that’s necessary. If you constantly push yourself beyond your limits, you could end up exhausted and drained, and not something that sleep can just fix. COVID-19 has been hard on everyone’s mental health, and it’s all about the little things you can do to help yourself every day.

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